Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vegetable garden... or lack there of.

A month ago or so Aaron had gone outside and weeded the vegetable garden... we still haven't planted yet so the weeds are starting to come back. Yesterday I got out there and weeded for a bit and I think today I will be simply turning the soil over since the weeds left are very small and not worth picking. I looked around a bit yesterday for some plants but where I had looked had slim pickins! Serves us right for waiting until spring is almost over! I am going to plant some seeds tomorrow, if all goes as planned. If we wait any longer it won't happen so I need to get started! It's been a struggle this year with both kids and my husband has been focused on the chicken coop the past week so it's really up to me at this point. I am home all day but with 2 kids under the age of 3... it can be a challenge. Regardless, I will get this garden started this week!

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